

The Corporations Act of Ontario requires that a non-profit corporation must have a minimum of three members. Unless the letters patent or the by-laws state otherwise, there is no limit to the maximum number of members a non-profit corporation may have. Jane Finch Community Legal Services is a non-profit organization and our by-laws do not impose any limit on the number of members the clinic may have.

Any present or past client of the Clinic may be a member of the Clinic without formal application.

Any other person may apply to the Board of Directors to become a member of the Clinic.

A member may withdraw by giving written notice to the Board of Directors.

Membership allows you to vote, attend some meetings and obtain information. You may also be appointed or elected by the members to serve as a member of the Board of Directors.

If you would like to you can download a membership application form, fill it in and mail it or fax it to us.